Where Spiritual Connection and Academic Excellence Meet
At Captain Gilmer Christian School, our faculty and staff prepare students to transform the world without conforming to it. By viewing the world through the lens of the Bible and by pursuing God’s direction in their lives, our students look forward to serving Him and having a dramatic impact on this world for eternity.
Captain Gilmer Christian School guides elementary and middle school students into a strong, fulfilling relationship with Christ by using a biblical foundation to promote academic excellence. Our Christ-centered teachers consistently maintain appropriate certification and are required to hold a BS/BA degree in Education. Additionally, half of our teachers hold MA degrees. CGCS is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
What We Value
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes God as the ultimate source of existence and truth. Through the Bible, He has revealed His will to the world, and through his Church on earth, He seeks the lost for His kingdom.
The basic tenets of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as the inspired writings of Ellen White, are directed toward God’s plan for humanity. The Church conducts its own system of education to engender belief in these tenets, within the context of one’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to foster a desire to share that relationship with others.
Made in God’s image, every human being is endowed with attributes akin to those of the Creator. Therefore, Adventist education seeks to nurture thinkers rather than mere reflectors of others’ thoughts, loving service rather than selfish ambition, maximum development of one’s potential, and an appreciation for all that is beautiful, true, and good.
An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It is a balanced development of the whole person. In Adventist education, homes, schools and churches cooperate together in preparing learners for citizenship here on this earth and in the New Earth to come.
Our Commitment to Your Children
By teaching through a biblical lens and acting through Christ’s love every day, we strive to encourage each student in:
- Accepting God and His Word by surrendering one’s whole life to God and using the Bible as a basis for a relationship with Jesus Christ and a guide in all areas.
- Committing to the Church and desiring to know, live out, and share their faith from a biblical, Seventh-day Adventist perspective.
- Strengthening family and interpersonal relationships by fostering a sense of self-worth, along with skills in interpersonal relationships.
- Developing responsible citizens by teaching an understanding of multicultural diversity and historical heritage, while affirming a belief in the dignity and worth of others.
- Leading a healthy, balanced life by accepting a systematic, logical approach to decision-making and problem-solving based on a body of scientific, mathematical, and historical knowledge, within the context of a biblical perspective.
- Enhancing intellectual development by adopting a systematic, logical approach to decision-making and problem-solving skills.
- Acquiring optimum competency in verbal and nonverbal communication, in the use of information technology, and in effective communication of one’s faith.
- Developing life skills to function responsibly in the everyday world, using Christian principles of stewardship, economy and personal management.
- Fostering an appreciation of the beautiful, both in God’s creation and in human expression, while nurturing individual ability in the fine arts.
- Encouraging a strong work ethic and a devotion to service, along with an awareness of career options and opportunities, as they relate to one’s personal involvement in the mission of the Church.
Our Roots
For 110 years, we have committed to educating the next generation of spiritual leaders with an emphasis on academic distinction and practical experience, while caring for our community’s well-being.
The first elementary school on this campus was established in 1910. Classes met for the first four years in the old Byers Plantation House before the first schoolhouse was built in 1914. Sixteen years later, in 1930, a large one-room, wood stove-heated school house was built up the hill from our current facility.
In 1950 Captain W. W. Gilmer, a retired Naval Captain who served in World War I, donated $2,000 to expand the school house. In gratitude for this gift, the school was named in his honor and the title remained after our current facility was built in 1971.
Today we continue in the rich history that preceded us.